That Turned Ugly Fast Page 4
Sometimes I wish
we could go
back to the summer
we spent
at Helltown
A nice place
to visit
they said
But it was
a better place
to leave
We smoked
cigarettes aboard
the abandoned bus
Our legs up
on the seats
The emergency
exit door
slightly ajar
Cool fresh air
creeping in
The end
of the world
just beyond
the barricade
at the end of the dead
county highway
Crosses etched
into tree bark
The burnout kids
would head
out back
and listen
to their
Scandinavian metal
We put down
shots and knew it
would end badly
Faces covered
in ten days
of mystery
We called ourselves
Whiskey Rebellion
and searched
high and low
for reasons
to kick and scream
Recovery Project
With a taste
for chemicals
Filled with yuck
Filled with ick
with yuck and ick
I am
a recovery project
I don’t want to watch
my back anymore
-15 Degrees
The night is unbroken
A clear palette
of perfect
The wind whips
the sleeve of my coat
And I can feel
devil’s breath
upon my cheek
Jealous ’n’ Stuff
I do caution restraint
I’ve tried to see
things through
your eyes
But I’m afraid
But I feel
I peer through
eyes of the blind
Sun beats down
upon the good people
and I am met
with chilly receptions
My name in
the papers
“Again” the headline
Choking on it
at the end
of each day
Choking on it
with each rising sun
Bridget Bishop Bathrobe
Salem, Massachusetts
Why are we drawn
to your faulty judgment?
Your primitive ways?
20 innocents
Live re-enactments
put on daily
Killer publicity stunt
paying off
Bridget June 10, 1692
1 of 20
I have a black
Bridget Bishop bathrobe
A gift from some gift shop
or other
Buy death
at the mall
Build your own
Let the spirit move you
Bridget Bishop
your bathrobe
moves me
I spin in it
I cinch it tight
I admire it in mirror
I feel your warmth
Sometimes I wear it
as a cape
and imagine
I am your savior
Rescuing you
from Gallows Hill
high above
Salem, Massachusetts
We’ve Filled Wisconsin with Bad
We scraped away
spoiled soil
Truckloads of it
sent across
Wisconsin border
Ton upon
ton upon
Expelling poison
and soot
Serpentine sands
We scraped away
spoiled soil
Truckloads of it
sent across
Wisconsin borders
Trying to Roll with It
There is a stranger inside
of me bounding about
I can feel
it when I walk
It makes
strange noises
that erupt
out of me
It fills my head
with song
and then sorrow
and then song
There is a stranger inside
of me
eating my food
stealing my nourishment
leaving me with naught
to go on
to move with
to keep
More Than I Ever Could Have Wished For
Broke and heartbroken
Disturbed and beaten
in the dark
on the questionable side
of town
Buses don’t
Cops won’t
No money
to be made here
Duck, Duck, Gray Duck and the Minnesota Middle Finger
I have gone
entire winters
heat in my car
because I could
barely afford
to pay
for gas
Overpass walls hit
up with graffiti
is coming
Cultural slumming
They’ll build monuments
to celebrate our normal
4 from 12
8 months indoors
That will build
a crazy person
That will build
a hard person
That will build
a hearty person
Year upon
cold year
Need a push?
Oh, for cute
It could be worse
Up north
Holy buckets
I seen it
You shouldn’t of
I remember the great
Halloween blizzard of ’91
It was indeed great
That’s . . . different
Meat raffle at the VFW tonight
Borrow me
Duck, Duck, Gray Duck
The zipper merge
They will
fuck you
in the zipper merge
I Am Erosion
Withered and weathered
Wrinkles as badges
of honor
Ghost towns approach
where the knowing
ones know
I’ve left every place
Erosion, erosion
I am erosion
I’ll take
little bits
with me
The Confession
A heavy black
screen surrounds
the polished oak
bar of The Confession
Dan the Collar
with a look of granite
the garnishes
Coarse salts
Stalks of celery
Lime wedges
Slices of lemon
Maraschino cherries
No paper parasols
They must testify
Looking ahead
to eight hours
The Confession’s bar
Where some will
pray to be
33 forever
just like Jesus
Where they will
Venial sins
Mortal sins
They must testify
Dan the Collar
in flowing robes
to fit the part
of our Father
He will whisper
beneath his breath
Penance is repentance
Penance is repentance
Sin will weaken
the sinner himself
Strength shall be reclaimed
through single malt
They must testify
Meanwhile Chop Shop Bob
moonlights in back
Diligently working to perfect
his Body of Christ
The host
The lamb
Sacramental bread
Altar bread
Do this
in memory of me
My body
My blood
They must testify
He will refill
glistening holy water bowls
with wafers black
as moonless nights
Patrons belly up
to the bar
at The Confession
drinks while spilling
their secrets
as the heavy black screen separates
them from the Collar
They must testify
They seek redemption
They seek salvation
They seek forgiveness
They want a patient listener
Resurrection never felt
so good
as fire fills bellies
and vacant souls
They must testify